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H314 Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluids

产品时间:2022-03-04 11:17:10


Self-contained mobile unit for many experiments in fl uid mechanics. Amongother experiments it covers: properties of fl uids, hydrostatic principles andbuoyancy/fl oatation and Archimede’s principle.K


Self-contained mobile unit for many experiments in fl uid mechanics. Among other experiments it covers: properties of fl uids, hydrostatic principles and buoyancy/fl oatation and Archimede’s principle.

Key features 

• Wide range of experiments 

• Self-contained mobile bench 

• Determination of fl uid properties including density, specifi c gravity, surface tension and viscosity 

• Demonstration of hydrostatic principles including Pascal’s law, Archimedes’ principle and determination of pressure at a point in a fl uid 

• Experiments cover study of buoyancy, fl otation and stability of fl oating bodies, forces on a plane surface, centre of pressure, operation and calibration of a Bourdon pressure gauge and liquid column manometers 

• Ideal for lecture room demonstrations as well as student experiments


The apparatus consists of a self-contained bench complete with all necessary equipment for a wide range of demonstrations and experiments in hydrostatics and properties of fl uids. Much of the equipment is rigidly mounted on the bench, the remainder being free-standing items suitable for use on the bench top. 

The bench has a reservoir that supplies water for the experiments. A tank on the unit can be fi lled from the reservoir for experiments that need a free-water surface. A drain tray next to the tank is for collecting and returning water to the reservoir. 

The bench is readily movable and is therefore ideal for lecture room demonstrations as well as student experiments. 

Experimental equipment supplied with the bench includes a fl uid-level apparatus for demonstrating Pascal’s law, and two U-tube manometers. A toroidal sloped tank is mounted within an integrated balance to determine centre of pressure. Archimedes’ principle is proved by using a fi xed mass immersed in a header of water mounted on a beam balance. Further items of equipment include a Bourdon pressure gauge with deadweight calibration, and a rectangular pontoon with adjustable weights for studies of a fl oating body and metacentric height. 

Included with the H314 is the H2 MkII for the study of the metacentric height of a fl oating body. 

Apparatus for determination of fl uid properties includes a Eureka can, a specifi c-gravity bottle, a hydrometer capillarity apparatus, a falling-sphere viscometer and a vernier point gauge for fl uid level measurement.

Learning outcomes 

• Determination of fl uid density and specifi c gravity 

• Principles and use of a hydrometer 

• Capillarity in tubes and between plates 

• Measurement of viscosity by falling sphere method 

• Demonstration of Pascal’s law 

• Measurement of fl uid levels by vernier hook gauge 

• Fluid fl ow head relationship 

• Verifi cation of Archimedes’ principle and demonstration of principles of fl otation 

• Stability of a fl oating body and determination of metacentric height 

• Measurement of force and centre of pressure on a plane surface 

• Operation and calibration of a Bourdon pressure gauge 

• U-tube manometers with fl uids of diff erent density

Recommende  Ancillaries 

• Surface Tension Balance (H314a) – Searle’s torsion balance with scale and pointer for the determination of the surface tension of liquids. 

• Hares Tube (H314b) – Hares tube to establish the specifi c gravity of a liquid when compared with water. 

• Half Circle and Vee Chine Pontoons (H2a MkII)




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