A self-contained mobile module for temperature process control experiments to illustrate the principles of single-loop control and the calibration and tuning of controllers, transmitters, converters and valves.
• Demonstrates automatic control of temperature using proportional, proportional plus integral, and proportional, integral plus derivative (PID) control
• Uses industry-standard parts to make it ideal for industrial, vocational and academic training
• Demonstrates operation, calibration and tuning of temperature transmitters and thermocouples
• Compact, mobile and fully self-contained
• Includes delay coil to mimic realistic time lag due to a process
• Connects to the TE3300/06 Computer Control System for distributed control
• Safe, practical and realistic
The Temperature Process Training System is a compact and mobile unit for a wide range of experiments in temperature control. It gives students a greater understanding of the stability of simple control systems.
The self-contained unit can perform many experiments, but it can also connect to the optional Computer Control System (TE3300/06) for distributed control.
The main parts of the Temperature Process Training system are:
• Industrial controller with autotune feature
• Two-channel chart recorder
• Heat-exchanger and fan
• Temperature transmitter
• Thermocouples
• Delay coil
• In-line heater
• Three-speed pump
• Reservoir
To carry out experiments, students fi ll the reservoir with clean water and prime the system. They then set the controller to regulate the power to the in-line heater and control the temperature of the water at any of three places. The heat-exchanger removes the heat from the water, to give quicker experiments. The thermocouples (selected by a three-way switch) give feedback to the controller. For a realistic experience, the equipment has industrial-standard instrumentation and parts.
The apparatus includes one gate valve that works as a fl ow bypass. A chart recorder shows and logs the changes of the process variable (temperature) and the controller output.
Note: The chart recorder is paperless, so you need a suitable computer and colour printer if you need to print out hard copies of the chart recorder traces.
A socket on the side of the apparatus links to the Computer Control System (TE3300/06, available separately)
Learning Outcomes
• Proportional, integral and derivative control
• Setting up and demonstrating automatic control
• The principles of loop control and the calibration and tuning of temperature transmitters and thermocouples
• Operation of a temperature control system
• Distributed control (when used with the TE3300/06 Computer Control System)
Recommended Ancillaries
• Stopwatch (SW1)
• Thermocouple calibrator*
• One-litre container with accurate scale and accurate weighing machine (to measure water fl ow rate)*
• Computer Control System (TE3300/06) * not supplied by TecQuipment